Tzigane Osgood

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Tzigane Osgood has a long history. Unfortunately, you probably don't know the name. With 12 albums released since 2004, and a plethora of work previous to the solo releases, Tzigane Osgood is a hard working artist with many fields of experience.

As of the 23rd solo release on March 1, 2013, Tzigane has released only two albums with vocals. However, the 24th album will bring back the voice! This is an exciting endeavor for Tzigane. Well exciting and a bit unnerving. It is very difficult getting all the instrumentals done, doing the artwork, promotions, and everything else by herself. This is the biggest reason she doesn't normally do vocal work. But, Tzigane is inspired, and wants to tell everyone: "Shut Up. I'm Talking." on the next album. 

What do you want to know?

Chances are you can find anything you want to know about Tzigane Osgood...with exception to one thing, but maybe you already know that....


Tzigane has several people to thank. Her friends and family that support her. Her husband who always tells her to be more confident with her work. The people that have litened to her music and supported her that way. The radio and clubs that have played her music. Tzigane Osgood thanks you all, and apologizes to anyone she forgot.